Hi! This is me Raj, writer of this site. I am enthusiast about Personal Development and Reaching my Highest Potential. I believe life is a journey to growth and better life.

I also love to help other people, I wrote my first book Teenage Guidance with the aim of helping teenagers of my country at around age 16, from where this all begun.

During my teen year I used to try everything with the aim of improving my life, if someone said something I used to try it. After I got my first mobile ‘Nokia X3’ at the age of 15, I started browsing over internet for tips and guides about life, this gave the boost to my passion for improving life, moreover I used to summarize and record those ideas in my notebook. Most of the time, I used to fail because I was trying everything at once. I had no idea that “Slow Change is Better than No Change.” Here, I want to share my journey and how I am doing things. As Morgan Freeman in the movie “Lucy” said, “Pass it on.” So, here I want to “Pass What I Have Learnt”.

Moreover this site is kind of my journal. At around age 15, I started writing, being motivated by the idea of having daily journal from internet, I used to write a lot about my day, I used to express my thoughts into words, I used to prepare plans. But nowadays I have stopped writing in Journal, but I will share all my struggle and achievement here. I hope this will help the people who are trying to achieve their dream and make their life better. Here, I am a Guinea Pig.

My another blog is Waytolivelife, where you can find my other posts.

Thank You and Namaste.